Monday, February 17, 2020

Project Proposals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Proposals - Essay Example Therefore, the system must first ensure that each student registers himself and his project proposal. Then the project must be categorized and sent to the requisite faculty. The faculty must then make an assessment of the drawbacks or advantages of the project and must decide upon the feasibility with regards to time, cost etc. and notify the student accordingly. b) The aggregate project plan outlines the project's stages for the next 18 months. Since p3 is in the final year of completion, it has to be completed first. As p2 strongly contributes to 01 & 03, and as p3 will already have supported all the objectives, it must be finished first. This would then require us to implement only p1, which contributes to 02 (already implemented by p3), subsequent to which, p4 can be easily accomplished. This is because as p2 and p3 have already satisfied almost all of the objectives, it would not be a problem for the implementation of p1, whereby, p4 can be easily implemented. The time taken for each subsequent project will gradually reduce as the objectives that need to be accomplished at every stage gradually reduce. Such an approach will enable p3 to satisfy most of the university's need at the time of installation, and the subsequent projects can be added to the existing system to enhance the functionality of the system, and in some cases they need not be implemented or developed at all in case the earlier project satisfies the required functionalities of the current project in all respects. c) the title would be- A feasibility study on the automation of university project appraisals. We use this in the Strategic Decision Process. 2) a) we need to use an evolutionary prototyping model for this system, as this will enableus to make changes, which will enable an all-at-once installation as the product willbe tested from time to time during development.. b)simple application of the formula for every row. c) already discussed in 2004 paper. d) D-E-R-Q-W. e) this has already been shown in 2004 paper. After the Gantt chart. 3) a) module E: $(400*5*26) same is the case for the other 3 independent modules.For w: cost is $((400*5*52)+(500*5%52)) b) for module E: duration is 26 weeks. So no inflation whereas from modules w,q,r,the 5% rate is applicable. For example, for module w: the inflation must be applied for 52 weeks (assuming

Monday, February 3, 2020

Why every American should exercise their right to vote Essay

Why every American should exercise their right to vote - Essay Example The future of civil liberties, it can be said, is in the hands of the American people. One of the major methods by which to participate in the democratic process is by casting a ballot to elect representatives and decide issues at every level of government. The vote is the voice of the people, without which the experiment fails because the very foundations of the country were laid by the people and for the people. Although many Americans make an effort to keep informed on political issues and enthusiastically exercise their responsibility to vote, the majority of those eligible to vote will not. This fact remains an enduring puzzle in a nation that considers itself the very symbol of democracy. Evidently, the countries that copied this system of government appreciate it more than Americans. Most nations in Europe routinely see a larger percentage of its citizens at the polls. The elections in Iraq last December drew 70 percent of eligible voters. Americans do not vote in those numbers and do not have to brave the chaos present in Iraq to access the polling booth (Woodward, 2006). The founding principles of the U.S. have been deemed by many to be worth fighting and dying for. Many thousands of brave Americans have traveled to all parts of the world to give their lives for the concepts contained in the Constitution. They fought for the freedoms of strangers in strange lands so that these people might have the choice to decide their own destiny by the power of the vote. When citizens vote, they authenticate the sacrifice of those that have paid the ultimate price for the right to vote. According to Senator Ted Kennedy, â€Å"Voting is one of the true blessings of liberty. That’s why people have died for it, and our democracy is diminished when even one American is denied that right† (Patterson, 2005). Democracy is also diminished when Americans decide not to exercise that right. The governmental hierarchy is bound by the vote to